1. Eat bread , cereals don't skip your breakfast! if you feel like crying.. enjoy your breakfast 1st then resume crying.
true~! let it out girl~! it doesn't mean you have to tell everything.. just go out and do what a single girl does ! shops ! bowling OR splash that yogurt into your mouth~! stop worrying about " fat issues".
3. Have baked potato.
No kidding - if you never try it. YOU SHOULD! or maybe pizza with extra cheese on it~!
4. Now now there.. you need to call funny friends. not those you made you feel worse~! but the ones that made you feel merry joyful and.. Owh My God... I'm hot~!
5. Speak up.
Speak for your mind girl....~! it doesn't mean when you got heart break other issues are left undecided~! are you gonna corrupt a company??
6. Excercise~! work on that cardio~~
7. When is the last time you pampered your body? why don't you go and treat yourself to a spa or maybe D-I-Y beauty and just take care of that precious glowing face ~! who knows what's your next track . :P
So are you still gonna cry there or go get some glowing look?